Перевод:symbol of independence, ride, chance, boat, get wet, forget, horse-and-carriage ride, path, huge, lake, zoo, skating ring, skyscraper, flight.
Ответы (1)
Используйте фразовые глаголы, чтобы завершить предложения. Вот глаголы-to get adout, to get across, to get ahead, to get along, to get at, to get away, to get back, to get by, to get out of smth, to get over smth, to get througt.
Ответы (1)
Составить 5 предложений со словами sunny and icy, cloudy and sunny, windy and snowy, icy and snowy, stormy and windy, cloudy but dry, cold and wet, hot and stormy, cool and sunny, cool and cloudy, warm and wet hot and humid, cool and humid.
Ответы (1)