Задать вопрос
3 января, 07:38

Используйте фразовые глаголы, чтобы завершить предложения.

Вот глаголы-to get adout, to get across, to get ahead, to get along, to get at, to get away, to get back, to get by, to get out of smth, to get over smth, to get througt.

1) Liz was determined to ... the truth.

2) We must ... the simple fact that smoking is dangerouns for our health.

3) They've got a lot of work to ...

4) My parents don't earn a huge salary, but we ...

5) It's taken me ages to ... the flu.

6) Tom and i have always ... quite well.

7) My father ... to his office just before lunchtime.

8) they've bought a new car which they are going to use for ...

Ответы (1)
  1. 3 января, 08:59
    1) Liz was determined to get at, the truth. 2) We must to get across the simple fact that smoking is dangerous for our health. 3) They've got a lot of work get through.) My parents don't earn a huge salary, but we get out5) It's taken me age get over to the flu. 6) Tom and i have always to get along quite well7) My father get back to his office just before lunch time. 8) they've bought a new car which they are going to use for get ahead
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