Задать вопрос
24 ноября, 03:04

Say what you would do

if the weather were fine on sunday;

if your friend were ill;

if you met a friend in the street;

if your friend invited you to his/her birthday party

Ответы (2)
  1. 24 ноября, 03:29
    If the weather were fine on Sunday, I would stay at home rather than going for a walk, because I love when it rains;

    if my friend were ill, I would visit him;

    if I met my friend in the street, I would say "Hi!";

    if my friend invited me to his birthday party, I would be very glad for ... for the chance I can finally eat a tasty piece of cake! Nom-nom.

  2. 24 ноября, 05:08
    Предложения на 1 conditional sentences;)

    1) if the weather were fine on Sunday, i probably shall go to the cinema with friends

    2) if my friend were ill, i shall support him/her and cheer him/her up

    3) if i met a friend in the street i shall invite him to my house

    4) if my friend invited me to his/her birthday party i shall agree and buy a present as soon as i can;)
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