Задать вопрос
1 февраля, 02:00

Прочитайте предложения, поставив глагол в видо-временную форму Future Perfect Continuous:


Ann (to work) for two hours when she finishes her composition.

Ann will have been working for two hours when she finishes her composition.

1. I (to write) this article for a week by next Monday. 2. He (to watch) this program for twenty minutes when his friend comes. 3. She (to have a shower) for ten minutes when the film begins. 4. He (to wash) his car for some minutes when the mechanic comes. 5. The managers (to discuss) this matter for half an hour when the boss comes. 6. They (to have talks) for two hours when they come to an agreement. 7. The children (to watch) TV for an hour when mother comes. 8. When I return the children (to play) computer games for forty minutes. 9. When we come to the conclusion I (to discuss) this problem with my friends for some time. 10. He (to work) at this problem for a month when he makes an experiment.

Ответы (1)
  1. 1 февраля, 04:06
    1. I (will have been writing) this article for a week by next Monday.

    2. He (will have been watching) this program for twenty minutes when his friend comes.

    3. She (will have been having a shower) for ten minutes when the film begins.

    4. He (will have been washing) his car for some minutes when the mechanic comes.

    5. The managers (will have been discussing) this matter for half an hour when the boss comes.

    6. They (will have been having talks) for two hours when they come to an agreement.

    7. The children (will have been watching) TV for an hour when mother comes.

    8. When I return the children (will have been playing) computer games for forty minutes.

    9. When we come to the conclusion I (will have been discussing) this problem with my friends for some time.

    10. He (will have been working) at this problem for a month when he makes an experiment.
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