Задать вопрос
15 сентября, 07:02

1) What do you usually do in your free time?

2) What is your favourite free time activity?

3) Do you spend your leisure time with your friends?

4) How do you spend your leisure time with your friends?

5) Do you often go out?

Ответы (2)
  1. 15 сентября, 07:21
    1. I usually read interesting books in my free time.

    2. My favourite free time activity is reading books.

    3. Yes, I do

    4. We ho to the cinema to watch films.

    5. Yes I do
  2. 15 сентября, 10:01
    1). In my free time I like to go out with friends.

    2). my favorite leisure activity is dancing.

    3). Yes, I often spend time with friends.

    4). We spend time with friends on the street, in a pizzeria, sometimes we go to the cinema

    5). Yes, I often go.
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