Задать вопрос
15 марта, 01:10

Rewrite the sentences using the short form when the long form is given and vice versa. 1. He is brushing his teeth. - 2. I'm doing a test. - 3. We are not joking. - 4. I am not reading. - 5. They aren't working. -

Ответы (2)
  1. 15 марта, 02:00
    1. He is brushing his teeth.

    He's brushing his teeth.

    2. I'm doing a test.

    I am doing a test.

    3. We are not joking.

    We're not joking.

    We aren't joking.

    4. I am not reading.

    I'm not reading.

    5. They aren't working.

    They're not working.

    They are not working.
  2. 15 марта, 02:51
    1. He is brushing his teeth. He's brushing his teeth. Он чистит зубы.

    2. I'm doing a test. I am doing a test. Я делаю тест.

    3. We are not joking. We're not joking. Мы не шутим.

    4. I am not reading. I'm not reading. Я не читаю.

    5. They aren't working. They are not working. Они не работают.
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