Задать вопрос
23 августа, 08:43

Напишите след. предл. в 3-м л. ед. ч. в Present Indefinite. 1. Our sons like green beans. 2. Their children did not drink tea with milk. 3. These students will have lectures today. 4. We had breakfast at home. 5. Do they take coffee in the evening? 6. What are they? 7. When they came home, they had supper. 8. What are these women. 9. Did they like strong tea? We were at the.

Ответы (1)
  1. 23 августа, 11:39
    1 His son likes green beans.

    2 Child doesn't drink tea with milk.

    3 This student has lectures today.

    4 She has breakfast at home.

    5 Does she take coffee in the evening?

    6 What is she?

    7 When he comes she will have supper.

    8 What is this woman?

    9 Does he like strong tea?
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