Fill in the missing letters: ea, ue, ui, ou, au. Dream, h__se, come tr__, b__lding, s__venirs, th__tre, t__rist, gr__t, c__ntry, fam__s, __st, f__ntain, fr__t, cr__tive, s__side, q__stion.
Ответы (1)
Check these words: Low tenperature, characterise, exist, last, reach, shine, midnight sun, dark, drop, survive, dry, below freezing, hold in. Complete the sentences with words from the Check these words section. 1. Not many plants ... in desert 2.
Ответы (1)
Вставить пропущенные буквы g__den, f__ld, c_w, h__se, sh__p, h_ll, r__d, b__dge, apple t__e.
Ответы (2)