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26 мая, 16:24

Измени эти фразы так, чтобы в них говорилось о происходящих в данный момент событиях.

Образец: I play the piano in the evening.

I am playing the piano now.

1) My brother has lunch at one o'clock

2) Polly always drives her children to school.

3) We often swim in the lake.

4) You speak good English.

5) They finish their breakfast at eitht.

6) The sun goes up early in the morning.

Ответы (2)
  1. Ф
    26 мая, 17:07
    My brother is having luch now.

    Polly is driving her children to school now.

    We are swimming in the lake now

    You are speaking good English

    They are finishing their breakfast now

    The sun is going up early now
  2. Г
    26 мая, 18:43
    1) My brother IS lunching at one o'clock

    2) Polly is driving her children to school.

    3) We are swimming in the lake.

    4) You are speaking good English.

    5) They are finishing their breakfast at eitht.

    6) The sun it going up early in the morning
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Похожие вопросы по английскому языку
Измени эти фразы так, чтобы в них говорилось о происходящих в данный момент событиях. 1) My brother has lunch at one o'clock. My brother is? now. 2) Polly always drives her children to school. Polly?.3) We often swim in the lake. We?.
Ответы (1)
Измините эти фразы так, чтобы в них говорилось о происходящих в данный момент событиях: 1) My brother has lunch at one o'clock. 2) Polly always drives her children to school. 3) We often swim in the lake. 4) You speak gook English.
Ответы (1)
Измени эти фразы так, чтобы в них говорилось о происходящих в данный момент событиях 1) My brother has luch at one o'clock. 2) Polly always driwes her chilinder to school. 3) We often swim in the lake. 4) You speak good English.
Ответы (2)
Надо закончить предложения. I like Polly - Polly likes me. We like Polly. You like Polly. He likes Polly. She likes Polly. It likes Polly. They like Polly.
Ответы (1)
4. В следующих предложениях дана неверная информация. Исправьте их, написав в каждом случае по два предложения. Образец: The sun goes round the earth. The sun doesn't go round the earth. The earth goes round the sun. 1. The sun rises in the west. 2.
Ответы (1)
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