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1 июня, 16:34

Помогите ответить правильно. Конкурс "Я лингвист" 10-11 класс

3. Укажите неверный вариант

А. I was so tired that I went to bed at seven o'clock.

Б. She worked so hard that she made herself ill.

В. Why did you buy such a lot of food?

Г. The book was such good that I couldn't put it down.

4. Укажите неверный вариант

А. Hardly anybody came to the meeting.

Б. You are lately, as usual.

В. I hardly know her.

Г. Have you been to the cinema lately?

5. Укажите верный вариант.

А. Dung beetles fly around looking for the dung of large animals, especially mammals.

Б. Dung beetles fly looking around the dung to large animals, mammals especially.

В. Dung flies around beetles looking of the large animals, especially mammal.

Г. Dung beetles fly looking to the dung around of large animals, mammal especially.

Ответы (1)
  1. 1 июня, 19:30
    Вроде так: 3. Г 4. A 5. A
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