Задать вопрос
28 марта, 16:43

6 класс:

Read the text of the first part of the song "Hello, Doctor Drew!" and say:

1. What are Jenny's symptoms?

2. What's the matter with Jenny? Is it a cold or is it flu?

3. Why is she ill?

4. What advice can you give her?

Hello, Doctor Drew!

Hello, Doctor Drew! This is Jenny Boat.

I went for a walk without my warm coat,

And now I'm coughing and have a sore throat.

I have a bad headache, my forehead is hot.

Is this a cold I got?

Я простудилась?

Ответы (1)
  1. 28 марта, 18:23
    1. Jenny's symptoms are a cough, a sore throat, a bad headache and her forethroat is hot.

    2. She went for a walk without her warm coat and she's got a cold.

    3. She's ill because she didn't wear warm clothes in abad weather.

    4. Now it's necessary to lie in the bed, drink a lot of hot tea with lemon, have a lot of rest and sleep.
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