Answer the questions about last Saturday and last Sunday. cloudy, muddy, terribble, sad, nasty, cold, strong, beautiful, happy, weak, blue, dry, wonderful, warm 1.-What was the weather like? 5.-What was the sea (river/lake) like? 2.
Ответы (1)
Speak about last saturday or last Sunday (un) cloudy, muddy, (un) pleasant, sad, nasty, cold, strong, friendly, (un) happy, wonderful, warm. 1.-What was the weather like? 2.-What were the streets like? 3.-What was the sky like? 4.
Ответы (1)
Составить с каждым словом по одному предложению - weather, weather forecast, bright, sunny, dry, hot, warm, sticky, heat, fresh, cool, chilly, cold, misty, windy, frosty, cloudy, thunderstorm, lightning, wind, cold wind, slight wind / moderate wind,
Ответы (1)