Выбрать из предложенного списка имена существительные и запишите их в форме множественного числа. Education, life, educated, person, knows, thing, learn, discovery, pupil, knowledge, subject, school, opportunity, result, process, capacity.
Ответы (1)
Вставите выделенные слова в пропуски и перевести текст: free, student, compulsory, lines, suspension, solve, Mathematics, education, school If all children must go to school to get secondary 1) ..., it means that secondary education is 2) ...
Ответы (1)
Fill in the gaps using the following words. Certificate, free, compulsory, kindergarten, subject, paid, leave, exams, primary, Secondary, enter, specializing. Education in Russia is ... There are two types of education: ... and ...
Ответы (1)