Задать вопрос
20 марта, 11:58

Помогите вставить слова!

1. If you want the laundry ... the button!

2. Could I have a long ... call?

3. There are a lot of ... phones in the street.

4. Hold the ..., I'll put you through.

5. Do you khow the ... code for France?

6. Dial first 3480755 and then ... 142.

7. You can easily find his phone number in a ...

8. This telephone is only for ... calls!

Ответы (1)
  1. 20 марта, 13:07
    1. If you want the laundry press the button!

    2. Could I have a long-distance call?

    3. There are a lot of pay phones in the street.

    4. Hold the line, I'll put you through.

    5. Do you know the country code for France?

    6. Dial first 3480755 and then extension 142.

    7. You can easily find his phone number in a telephone book.

    8. This telephone is only for local calls!
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