Перевод и транскрипция с английского на русский слова kingdom, state, sing, industrial, industry, saint, consist fo, surprise, be surprised at, lonely, careful, careless, carefully, carelessly, especially.
Ответы (1)
Разгрупировать на 4 групы: сущ, гл, прил, нареч. Kingdom, power, state, belong, sign, royal, industry, include, industrial, law, elect, consist, careful, offer, lawyer, delay, carefully, lonely, permament, be surprised, especially, former.
Ответы (2)
Помогите! Work in pairs. Make sentences. Here are the word combinations for you to use: An independent state, a well-known Saint, a usual sign, a lonely man, careful work, a careless driver, a peaceful kingdom Example: P1: a well-known saint P2: St.
Ответы (1)