Circle the adjective (прилагательбное) in each line. 1) Comment, development, independent, correspondent, continent 2) Experiment, represent, obedient, event, moment 3) Morning, crossing, loving, evening, sing, wing
Ответы (2)
Подбери пары слов по ассоциации Вот эти слова вот с этими dark, sing, up, window, low, wing. door, high, stocking, horse, bird, king, sock, cow. queen, song, light, down,
Ответы (2)
Circle the adjective in each line. Translate them into Russian. 1) question, quiet, queen, quite 2) state, kite, create, hate, cute, note 3) comment, independent, correspondent, continent 4) morning, crossing, loving, evening, wing 5) experiment,
Ответы (1)