Задать вопрос
4 ноября, 16:45

Подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в действительном залоге и укажите его видовременную форму.

1) The new term started last week.

2) Closer examination of this problem is absolutely necessary.

3) Work at the University will be much easier for you if you follow some basic principles of study.

4) He has just described his approach as an effective one.

5) He had been dreaming of becoming a scholar for some time before he entered the University.

Ответы (1)
  1. 4 ноября, 20:06
    1) The new term started (Past Simple) last week.

    2) Closer examination of this problem is (Present Simple) absolutely necessary.

    3) Work at the University will be (Future Simple) much easier for you if you follow some basic principles of study.

    4) He has just described (Present Perfect) his approach as an effective one.

    5) He had been dreaming (Present Perfect Continuous) of becoming a scholar for some time before he entered (Past Simple) the University.
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