Слова hot, long, short, clever, comfortable, silly, thin, good, fat, nice, warm, cold, small, tall, weak, interesting, strong, light, dry, bad, clean, dirty, beautiful, deep, brave, funny, uglyпоставить эти слова в превосходную степень и
Ответы (1)
Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black, white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep,
Ответы (1)
Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives. cold, young, old (2), difficult, good, far (2), bad, beautiful, weak.
Ответы (1)