2. Отметьте неправильный вариант образования множественного числа. 1) woman - women, 2) woman - womans, 3) foot - foots, 4) mouse - mouses, 5) hour - hours, 6) hero-heroes, 7) mouse - mice, 8) tomato - tomatos, 9) tomato - tomatoes, 10) child -
Ответы (2)
Дайте форму множественного числа child, cow, friend, parent, way, monkey, key, mouse, ox, tomato, potato, box, roof, lorry, tooth, bus, dish, piano, glass, goose, deer, bear, chief, victory, valley, foot, thief, fish, bush, knife, baby, woman,
Ответы (2)
14. Give the plural forms of the following nouns if possible. Child, window. technology, country, door, brother, man, foot, mouse, news, milk, food, information, woman, meal, box, goose, duck, money, body, wife, knife, spoon, ingredient, engineer,
Ответы (1)