Замените в тексте выделенные слова кавычками, подходящими личными местоимениями (I, we, you, he, she, it, they, me, us, him, her, them). Lisa and Roger are in Spain now. "Lisa" and "Roger" are having their holiday. "Lisa" and "Roger" live in a hotel.
Ответы (2)
Перевод слов; 1 buy and bring gifts, 2 clean the house, 3 eat nice dishes, 4 go boating, 5 go shopping, 6 look after (a pet),7 ride a horse, 8 roller - skate, 9 swim in (the river),10 go on rides, 11 go on the Internet, 12 go to different places, 13
Ответы (1)