Задать вопрос
2 августа, 05:49

2. Перепишите предложение, используя конструкцию Iwish + PastSimple.

1) I am not very tall. - I wish.

2) I am not going on holiday with you. - I wish.

3) I can't tell her about it. - I wish.

4) I don't know the answer. - I wish.

5) I am not good at sports. - I wish.

6) I can't give you a lift. - I wish.

7) Your talking irritates me. - I wish.

8) I don't have much money. - I wish.

9) You are not here. - I wish.

10) It is not sunny. - I wish.

Ответы (1)
  1. 2 августа, 08:37
    1) I am not very tall. - I wish I was very tall.

    2) I am not going on holiday with you. - I wish I was going on holiday with you.

    3) I can’t tell her about it. - I wish I could tell her about it.

    4) I don’t know the answer. - I wish I knew the answer.

    5) I am not good at sports. - I wish I was good at sports.

    6) I can’t give you a lift. - I wish I could give you a lift.

    7) Your talking irritates me. - I wish your talking didn't irritate me.

    8) I don’t have much money. - I wish I had much money.

    9) You are not here. - I wish you were here.

    10) It is not sunny. - I wish It was sunny.
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