Задать вопрос
18 августа, 11:25

Write six sentences with verbs:

1) offer

2) plain

3) threaten

4) admit

5) carry on

6) risk

Ответы (2)
  1. 18 августа, 12:59
    1 He offered us many solutions to the problem

    2 He often plains about his little sister

    3 Famine threatens Africa

    4 Ypu should admit their performance was brilliant

    5 Don't let those children interrupt you, just carry on

    6 She risked losing everything
  2. 18 августа, 15:09
    1. A shop assistant offered me a good smartphone.

    2. Bob is a plain person, it's so boring.

    3. Terrorists threatens world stability.

    4. You lost this game, just admit it.

    5. Even if you know nothing, carry on with your exam.

    6. It's a great risk working firefighter.
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